Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WWW Wednesdays

WWW Wednesdays is a meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading. What you do is answer the following three questions:

 What are you currently reading?

I've been reading For Keeps, by Aaron Paul Lazar, in preparation for my first ever book blog tour coming up the weekend of September 14. It's a mystery with a slight paranormal twist, and so far an enjoyable one. I'll just say that Lazar is a very good writer and a nice guy as well. You'll have to wait a week and a half to learn more.

What did you recently finish reading?

I finished Steven Lee Gilbert's A Lovely, Indecent Departure, and I've got to say that while I was on the fence for the first 70 pages or so, because there were some very good scenes early on, the book just didn't work for me in the end. I think the main problem is that the reader never finds out what motivates these characters to behave the way they do, and so they end up feeling lifeless and flat. Here's my review.

What do you think you'll read next?

A fellow blogger, Lianne, has invited me to join a Goodreads group where you read all of the books on the Goodreads compatibility test. This month is Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. I listened to it on disc a year or so ago, but I liked it so much I'll look for a copy to re-read it.


  1. I'm glad you joined my Goodreads group, Chris! :)

    I just read Slaughterhouse-Five for the first time, and I don't think I properly understood it. I always hated English class, and the picking apart of books, and to this day it is something I stubbornly refuse to learn, and as a result, I think there are some books I just can't appreciate.

  2. I wasn't a huge fan of Slaughterhouse-Five, but so many people love it :)

  3. I have been meaning to read Slaughterhouse for a while now, I would like to reread Cat's Cradle too - my WWW is here:

  4. I read A Lovely, Indecent Departure a while back and liked it a lot, but I definitely understand not knowing the motives behind the actions. I think that's why I loved it, though. =) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Slaughterhouse-Five. Now there's a book I need to get my hands on. It definitely fell under the category of "Books I Pretended to (But Didn't Actually) Read in High School". Now that I have a new found affection for this genre (category? grouping?), I'll have to go back and give it a go. Thanks for reminding me!

    Thanks for dropping by my WWW!
    -Jessie Marie @ The Daily Bookmark

  6. "Slaughterhouse-Five" is actually one I had avoided until the last few years. It was okay, but the style was just odd for me (drug influence, maybe - his, not mine). lol

    My list is at

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